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Malfy Originale Gin 70cl
Malfy Originale is a classic dry style gin made with Italian juniper and five other botanicals and blended with Italy's purest source of mineral water - from the nearby Monviso mountain spring. Gin was invented in Italy in the year 1050 AD by Monks on the Amalfi Coastline - they distilled juniper with spirits in the kitchens of their Monasteries. Malfy Gin Originale is a homage to this invention. The Vergnano Family distill Juniper and four other botanicals and blend it with MonViso Mountain Water taken from a spring in the village of Crissolo (alt. 1,333 m.) to produce a crisp dry gin - delicious on the rocks or in the mountains.


Offer valid until 29th January

Available in participating stores only, while stocks last