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Beginner Plan: Week 12

It's your last week of the Live Well plan! Massive well done on your progress thus far, We're sure this workout is something you had no idea you'd be able to be complete when you started the plan 11 weeks ago, but you've shown yourself what consistency can do. Well done. By the end of this week you'll have completed 36 workouts… and well over 373,000 steps!

Daily Step Challenge

The last week of the challenge we want you to push yourself to hit 10,000 steps and ideally that's what you would maintain on an ongoing basis. To ensure you stay on track, take a look at your everyday surroundings to see how you can introduce more steps into your routine.

Strength Workouts x3

Really push yourself with our '300' workout challenge which you'll be completing 3 times this week. Don't forget to warm up and cool down in each session.

Warm Up

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Strength Workout

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Cool Down

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Strength Workout

Strength Workout

5 Minute Warm Up

This can be a brisk walk, run, jog, skipping or any dynamic stretches. 
An example warm up is demonstrated by Donncha above.

  • 10 Jumping Jacks
  • 10 Toe Touches Each Leg
  • 10 Side Twists Each Side

(Repeat this circuit 5 times)

Main Workout

The 300 Challenge. Complete the following circuit 5 times for a total of 300 repetitions. Try to take a minimum amount of rest but take rest as needed. Time yourself completing the workout and compare your time in the second and third workout of the week to your first and second.

  • 10 Push Ups
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Step Ups (each leg)
  • 10 Tricep Dips
  • 10 Hip Bridge

5 Minute Cool Down and Stretch

  • Hamstring Stretch for 15-30 seconds. Repeat 3 times
  • Quad Stretch for 15-30 seconds. Repeat 3 times
  • Chest Stretch for 15-30 seconds. Repeat 3 times

Exercise Instructions

Step Ups

You will be stepping onto a bench around mid shin height. Start standing on the ground and step with left leg followed by right onto the bench. Lower in a controlled fashion and repeat on the opposite leg.

Hip Bridge

Start by lying on your back and putting your feet on the floor so that your knees are bent. With palms facing the ceiling push your heels into the ground elevating your hips. Squeeze your glutes and lower in a slow and controlled fashion.

Push Ups

With hands directly under shoulders and a straight line from heel to hip to shoulder hold the push up (or high plank) position.


Feet shoulder width apart, sit back until your hips are as low as your knees in a slow and controlled fashion keeping chest proud throughout. Looking forward and keep tall posture stand back to starting position.

Tricep Dips

With hands on a bench and facing away from the bench lower your bum slowly toward the floor. Keeping your elbows tucked, once your arms reach a 90 degree bend push yourself back to the starting point.

Live Well plan devised by

Pat divilly

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