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Full Body Workout

Full Body Workout

Start with a 5 minute Warm Up

Close Grip Push Ups: 40 seconds of close grip push ups. 20 seconds rest. Repeat 4 times.

Squat Jumps: 40 seconds of jump squats. 20 seconds rest. Repeat 5 times.

Mountain Climber: 40 seconds of mountain climbers. 20 seconds rest. Repeat 5 times.

Single Leg Hip Bridge: 30 seconds of single leg hip bridge (each leg). 30 seconds rest. Repeat 4 times.

End with a 5 minute Cool Down


Make it easier – Replace Close Grip Push Ups with regular Push Ups, replace Squat Jumps with regular Squats and replace Single Leg Hip Bridge with Hip Bridge.


Exercise Instructions

Close Grip Push Up

Rest your weight on your hands and knees so that your hands are directly under your shoulders and you have a straight line from your knee to your shoulder. Squeeze your core to protect your lower back as you slowly lower your chest toward the floor. Exhale and push yourself back to the starting position. Ensure your elbows are tucked back and not flaring out to the side. Make sure your hands are a little closer together than with a regular push up.

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Squat Jumps

Feet shoulder width apart, sit back as if you are going to do a squat and then power back up jumping off the floor. Land softly back into the squat and repeat.

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Mountain Climber

From a push up position with weight rested on hands and toes begin tucking your knees toward your chest back and forth. Hands should be directly under your shoulders throughout. Take your time until you are comfortable with the movements.

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Single Leg Hip Bridge

Start by lying on your back, put your feet on the floor so that your knees are bent. Lift one leg off the ground keeping it straight so that you now have only one heel on the floor. With palms facing the ceiling push your heel into the ground elevating your hips. Squeeze your glutes and lower in a slow and controlled fashion.

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