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Peroni 12 x 330ml
Brewed in Italy since 1963 with authentic Italian craftmanship, passion and flair; Peroni Nastro Azzurro beer delivers a crisp and refreshing taste with light citrus notes. Our exclusively grown Nostrano dell’Isola maize gives Peroni Nastro Azzurro beer it’s uplifting and unique taste, with a fast clean finish. Best served chilled. Taste Profile: Crisp taste with a slightly hoppy, subtle citrus aromatic notes. Light body with a clean and fast finish. Pack size: 12 x 330ml bottle. ABV: 5.0% Ingredients: Water, barley malt, Italian maize, hops, natural flavours be Peroni Nastro Azzurro beer is the perfect choice. Salute!
Water, Barley Malt, Italian Maize, Hops


Offer valid until 26th February

Available in participating stores only, while stocks last