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Finlandia Classic Vodka 70 cL
Finlandia Vodka delivers a premium-tasting vodka alcohol that is crafted from the natural, pristine Finnish environment. This vodka is produced with natural ingredients like golden Finnish barley that is kept 72 days in endless sunlight and pure glacial spring water for a dry, light and smooth taste with a gentle aroma. The classic flavor of Finlandia Vodka has provided a light and crisp, clean finish for over 50 years. This vodka can be used to create several delicious mixed drinks like a Finlandia Bloody Mary, a Fin and Tonic and an Espresso Martini, or even a classic cocktail like a Vodka Martini, a Cosmo or a Vodka Soda. Finlandia Vodka is a sponsor of Living Lands and Waters, a 1% for the Planet charity whose vision is to support the protection, preservation and restoration of the nation’s major rivers. Aroma: A distinct nose of barley Taste: Crisp, clean taste on the palate Finish: Exceptionally smooth, with a gentle and very light viscosity, and no oily elements


Offer valid until 26th February

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